This window shows a list of all projects to which you have been given access. To open a project, select the project in the list and click the OK button. If you do not see a project in this list that you know exists, you have not been given the proper security access rights to see this project. Please contact your System Administrator.
When you change projects, VISION will show the project name in the status bar at the bottom of VISION’s main window. Here is a sample of the status bar showing the logged project:
“LIGHTWAVE:LIGHTWAVE” identifies the project that you are currently logged in under (the first LIGHTWAVE), as well as the project that the currently selected hierarchy node belongs to (the second LIGHTWAVE). If you were logged into a project called "LIGHTWAVE" and the last node selected in a hierarchy window belonged to a project called "ELECTRICAL," the text "LIGHTWAVE:ELECTRICAL" would appear in the Status Bar. If a Workbench is not open, you will only see "LIGHTWAVE."
If you already have a Workbench open, you can open hierarchy windows in the project you changed to or you can open a new Workbench. If you are working with multiple projects at the same time, we recommend that you have one Workbench open for each project instead of multiple hierarchy windows open from different projects in one Workbench.
Almost every type of record that can be created in VISION must be assigned to a project. We say "almost" because there are some instances where a record can be shared across all projects. The following list shows the rules that VISION applies when creating records in VISION.
•Any work area created from the Main Menu's Project menu belongs to the project you are currently logged into.
•Any node created in any hierarchy belongs to the same project as the new node's parent. In other words, if you are logged into project "ELECTRICAL" and you create a child under a node that belongs to project "CHEM," the new child will belong to the project "CHEM."
•When you create a Cross Reference Table, you can choose whether the new table will belong to the project you are currently logged into or whether the new table will be shared across all projects.
•A new cross reference item created under a Cross Reference Table will belong to the same project as the table.
•A new test always belongs to your currently logged project.
•A new question, and the objective for which the question was created, always belong to the same project.
•When you create a new report, you can choose whether the new report will belong to the project you are currently logged into or whether the new report will be shared across all projects.
•When you create a new document, you can choose whether the new document will belong to the project you are currently logged into or whether the new document will be shared across all projects.
To change to another project, follow these steps:
On the project toolbar, simply select another project.
1.From the Main Menu, select Project Change Project.
2.When the list of projects appear, select the desired project and click the OK button.
Note: If any windows are open when you change projects, nothing will change in any of the windows. The only indications that you are logged into another project are in the project toolbar and on the Status Bar as shown below.