The Query window is used to find data records that are linked to a cross reference item.
Tip: For help on any of the controls in this window, click your right mouse button on control, or click the ? button on VISION's main toolbar and then drop it on the control.
To perform a query, follow these steps:
1.Select the kind of linked data to query for.
2.Select whether to query only for data in the specific project. The alternative, Any Project, is available only if the table item belongs to a shared table.
3.Select how you want the results displayed: in a list, or in a document.
4.Click the Query button to perform the query.
Note: If you have not yet opened a Cross Reference Table window or if you have not selected an item in an open Cross Reference Table window, VISION will prompt you to open a table window. Once you have opened the window, select the item you want to use for the query and click the Query button again.