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VISION User Guide

The instructional strategy for a "rule" objective is a bit different.  You will write a brief introduction, spell out the core steps in the main idea, and offer explanation where it may be helpful.

How to Write a Brief Introduction for an Objective

A brief introduction to an objective should have these characteristics:

Relates the current objective content to what has just been learned.

Orients the students to what is coming in the segment.

Motivates the learner by establishing relevance and purpose for learning the material.

How to Write a Main Idea for a Rule Objective

To write a main idea for a "Rule" objective:

Plus1        Introduce the Rule

Plus1        State the Rule

Plus1        Example Formula

Plus1        Example List of Steps

How to Write an Explanation for a Rule Objective

Your explanation for a "Use Rule" type objective should accomplish the following:

Plus1        Clarify Complex Parts

Plus1        Point out Special Circumstances

Plus1        Describe Common Errors

How to Develop Examples for a Rule Objective

When preparing examples to support a rule objective:

Plus1        Present a Variety of Examples

Plus1        Point out What is Going On

How to Develop Practice for a Rule Objective

To provide practice for a Rule objective:

Provide a scenario and specific example data for each practice item.