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VISION User Guide

There is a special treatment plan, or specification, for developing instruction for Use/Concept objectives.  This treatment plan is comprised of a series of instructional components that combine in a way that best teaches this particular type of objective.

Choose from the topics below for help in applying the treatment plan for your Use/Concept objectives:

How to Write a Brief Introduction for an Objective

A brief introduction to an objective should have these characteristics:

Relates the current objective content to what has just been learned.

Orients the students to what is coming in the segment.

Motivates the learner by establishing relevance and purpose for learning the material.

How to Write a Main Idea for a Concept Objective

To write a main idea for a Use/Concept objective, follow these guidelines:

Plus1        Introduce the Concept

Plus1        List Critical Characteristics

How to Write an Explanation for a Concept Objective

The purpose of the explanation is to clear up any confusing or complex areas and provide necessary detail. The explanation makes it more likely that any learner can use the critical characteristics to discriminate between the items that fall into the concept group and those that do not.

Your explanation for a Use/Concept should accomplish the following, as applicable to your specific main idea content:

Plus1Clarify Characteristics

How to Develop Examples for a Concept Objective

Teaching someone to recognize and differentiate between concepts depends on what kinds of examples you show, and how many. You simply cannot teach a use/concept objective without examples.

How to Develop Practice for a Concept Objective

To develop the practice, include the following information:

It is best to provide a series of repetitive practices.  It is sometimes a good idea to make each repetition more complex than the one before.  "Practice makes perfect."

Ask the learner to identify items that fall into the concept group.