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Steps to Determine Task Criticality by Analyzing Hazards

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Step 1: Analyze Hazards

To analyze the hazards associated with tasks:

1.On the Main Menu select "Workbench", then "Analysis Activities" and choose the "Task Hazard Rating" activity.

a.If the "Open Analysis Work Area" window appears, select the work area that contains the tasks you want to analyze. Then click the OK button.

2.Once VISION has opened up all activity windows, you should see a Workbench window with the title “Workbench – Task Hazard Rating” and three Cross Reference Table windows with the following titles:

a.Task Hazard Rating Score: Severity

b.Task Hazard Rating Score: Repetition

c.Task Hazard Rating Score: Probability

i.If the three table windows listed above do not open, then you need to set them up.

3.VISION will use the number to calculate the Hazard Rating when the "Hazard Rating: Task Hazard Rating Worksheet" report is generated (discussed below). These are the only three tables used by VISION whose items must begin with a number.

4.Expand the Analysis Hierarchy to display the tasks and elements.

a.The elements might not have been entered at this point. You can still do the Task Hazard Analysis without them. Expand the hierarchy to the task level, and continue.

b.If there are no tasks in the Analysis Hierarchy, you cannot analyze their associated hazards. Complete the job analysis first; then come back to the Task Hazard Analysis.

5.Highlight a task.

6.Highlight one item in any one of the three Task Hazard Rating tables. For example, choose the item in the Severity table that best suits the task you are evaluating. Use your best judgment or the judgment of others who know procedure and hazards associated with the task.

7.In the Cross Reference Table window, click the Link button in the Toolbar. A link will be established between the task and the selected item.

a.Note: VISION will not allow you to link to a Task whose Status is set as Completed.

8.Repeat the process to link the same task to the appropriate item in each of the remaining tables.

9.Link each task to the three hazard tables in the above manner.

10.When you are done, close the Task Hazard Tables. VISION will not do this for you.

Step 2: Generate the Report

Now you need to generate the Hazard Rating: Task Hazard Rating Worksheet report. When you generate this report, VISION will numerically process the table links and show the Task Hazard Rating for each task. In addition, it will show tasks that are considered hazardous.

To generate this report, follow these steps:

1.Select the parent (Responsibility Area, Phase or Function) above the tasks you were using in the previous steps.

2.Click the Outcomes menu and VISION Report on VISION's Main Menu and select the Analysis tab.

3.Select the "Hazard Rating: Task Hazard Rating Worksheet" report in the list and click the Run button.

4.When the report completes, the "Hazardous Task?" column will show you whether the task is considered hazardous or not.

5.Close the three tables when you are done. VISION Developer doesn't close them automatically.

What's next?

After completing the Task Hazard Analysis, the next activity in line is to select the tasks for training and retraining. To get to that activity, select Workbench on the Main Menu, and then select Analysis Activities, and finally Task Selection.

Tips for Determining Task Criticality

Plus1Experienced Technicians or Engineers Should do the Rating

Plus1Link Several Tasks at the Same Time

Plus1Hazardous Task Analysis Worksheet

Plus1Manual Process for a Hazardous Task Analysis

Related Topics

Task Criticality Overview

Steps to set up the Task Hazard Rating Tables

Steps for linking cross reference items to hierarchy components

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