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VISION User Guide

The purpose of the Task Hazard Analysis process is to identify the hazards and potential loss associated with each task performed by a job holder. Task Hazard Analysis requires an in-depth knowledge about the task procedure and the hazards that are associated with the task. Perhaps even more importantly, the person doing the analysis must be qualified to estimate the potential damage, injury, or losses that are associated with the hazardous task. Highly experienced technicians may be capable of conducting the Task Hazard Analysis. However, engineers may be more appropriate, depending on the structure and lines of control within your organization.

Here is a brief outline of the task hazard analysis process to help you understand the procedures.


Who performs the activity

Resources that are used

Rate each task according to its Severity, Repetition, and Probability of Loss.

An engineer or experienced Subject Matter Expert (SME).

From the Main Menu, click Workbench and then Analysis Activities, then select the Task Hazard Rating activity.

For all critical tasks, develop the steps and mitigating actions. Critical tasks have a hazard rating above 7, based on standard numerical values assigned for Severity, Repetition, and Probability of Injury.

An engineer or experienced SME.

Use the reports generated by VISION to support the process, such as Task Hazard Rating Worksheet and Hazardous Task Analysis Worksheet.

Hazardous tasks should be considered in the next training step: Select Tasks for Training.

Instructional technologist with SME.

Use the completed Hazardous Task Analysis Worksheet for a list of hazardous tasks. The report should also contain important information to be included in training.