A function (also called duty area) consists of:
•A set of activities within a job responsibility area
•That may comprise a process with a definitive beginning and end
•Is directed toward a whole outcome, product or result
•The outcome of one function is relatively independent of the other functions
•May involve use of similar or the same equipment across functions or duty areas
•Is often performed by a team, rather than a single individual
Chances are, the job you are analyzing can be separated into functions or duty areas. Most jobs have at least several functions. But again, don't force complexity that does not exist.
Position of Functions (Duty Areas) in the Job Analysis Hierarchy
Below are some typical functions. They are listed under example responsibility areas:
oMaintain turbines and turbine controls
oMaintain generators and large motors
oMaintain switchgear
•Flight Operations
oConduct routine passenger flights
oConduct equipment test flights
oConduct special cargo flights
•Control Room Operations
oMonitor normal power operations
oHandle emergency or abnormal plant conditions
oRecruit and hire project personnel
oConduct annual personnel assessments
oHandle personnel grievances and special issues