At a minimum the organization should have the following roles regarding using and maintaining VISION Developer. In some cases where there is a limited staff, individuals can have more than one role.
•Code Manager—Responsible for the deployment of all VISION projects throughout the organization. This person should be intimately familiar with how VISION operates and controls access to and in the VISION Security module. Through established processes, the code manager gives permissions and sets up projects as appropriate. The code manager is responsible for working with IT when various upgrades to VISION become available. The code manager also maintains software documentation and paperwork in accordance with quality software assurance procedures. Additionally, the code manager may provide or designate individuals to provide training on VISION Developer.
•VISION Database Administrator—Full read/write access to all projects and the security module. This person acts as a backup to the code manager and works directly with that individual in controlling and maintaining VISION.
•Administrator—Full read/write access to a specific project or projects. Each project should have an administrator for that project who is able to assign roles and responsibilities to individuals who will perform work in that project. The administrator can approve nodes in accordance with the processes and procedures of that program.
•Power User—Write access to all areas of a project except the analysis hierarchy which is read only. This individual can work in all areas of VISION except the approved JTA. The power user can approve nodes (except for JTA nodes) in accordance with the processes and procedures of that program.
•Objectives and Test Question Writer—Write access to objectives and test questions only; able to build exams.
•Test Question and Exam Writer—Write access to questions and exams only; able to change exam status to “Approved.”
•Read Only User—Read access to entire project
•Exam Taker—Read access to entire project except for test questions and exams. This profile is typically used when a user is also a student taking an upcoming exam generated from Vision.
•Script Writer—Able to write custom reports and edit the scripts of existing reports.