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VISION Learner Guide

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TipYou will receive an automatically generated email when your qualification is about to expire.

Not Completed

These are the qualification you need to complete.

ID: The unique identification number given to this qualification in the VISION Qualifications module.

Qual Card: The name of the qualification card. Click the blue link to view your status on the qualification card.

Date Opened: The date on which the qualification became available.

Due Date: The date by which you must complete the qualification.


These are the qualification that you have already completed.

ID: The unique identification number given to this qualification in the VISION Qualifications module.

Qual Card: The name of the qualification card. Click the blue link to view your status on the qualification card.

Date Completed: The date on which you finished the qualification card.

Requal Date: The date on which your current qualification expires.

Not Assigned

These are qualifications that you can complete, but have not been assigned to you.

ID: The unique identification number given to this qualification in the VISION Qualifications module.

Qual Card: The name of the qualification card. Click the blue link to view your status on the qualification card.

Job Position(s): The VLS job positions that this qualification has been associated with. You need to do this qualification to be able to do this job position.

Date Opened: The date on which the qualification became available.

Qualification Card Status

(Qual Name): The name of the qualification card.

(Learner Name): Your last and first name.

Print Button: Click this button to open your printer's properties and print the page as it is displayed.

(Status): A large icon and status are displayed for the qualification. This includes all the tasks listed below, on the Task tab. The status displayed will be one of the following:

oOpen: You have not yet finished the qualification, but still have time to do so.

oIncomplete: You have started, but not completed, the qualification.

oPass: You have completed the qualification and have met the required score.

oExempt: You are receiving credit for the qualification without completing it.

oFail: You have completed the qualification but have not met the required score.

oExpired: The qualification period has ended and you did not complete this qualification.

oDisqualified: You are not qualified on this qualification card.

Date Started: The date on which the qualification was assigned to you.

Date Qualified: The date on which you finished the qualification.

Requalification Date: The date on which the qualification will expire.

Route Card Button: If the qualification is ready to be sent along its routing path. Click this button to start it on the routing path.

Tasks Tab: A list of the tasks on this qualification card. click the blue Task link to view training materials. Click on the Detail button for steps.

Prerequisites Tab: A list of the courses or qualifications you must complete in order to be eligible to take the qualification.