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VISION User Guide

Editing test questions and then republishing that test for the same course event involves six distinct phases, outlined here.

Step 1: Edit test questions

Step 2 (Optional): Copy and update static tests with new questions

Step 3: Republish the Course

Step 4: Expire the Course Event in the VISION Learning Station

Step 5: Create a new Version of the Course and Course Event

Step 6: Re-enroll Learners to the New Course Event

Step 1: Edit test questions

1.In the VISION Developer module, open a workbench and navigate to the question. You can do this with the Search menu, though the Objective, or though the training unit's Design page.

2.Open the question and click on the Question tab to make edits.

3.When asked, select Change Status & Edit.

4.Choose the Disqualify Question option to ensure that the question in its old form is never again displayed to a learner.

5.Enter a disqualification explanation.

6.Click OK and change the question's status to Active.

7.If asked, copy the question stem to the question's topic and click OK.

Step 2 (Optional): Copy and update static tests with new questions

If you are using Static Tests, you will want to create new ones, as any static tests with a disqualified question will also be disqualified.

1.Open the Test workscreen.

2.Click Search.

3.Locate the exam, and click the Archived checkbox to discontinue using it.

4.Mouse over the test and right click. Select Copy.

5.In the Copy Test window, select your project, and click OK. If you have access to more than one project, you would have the option of copying the test to a different project.

6.Double-click to open the properties for test copied test. It will start with "Copy of".

7.We recommend renaming the test, removing "(Copy of)", and appending something like “version 2” to the end of the title.

8.Click the Selection pane, and then select the Load dropdown.

9.Select the appropriate filters and questions. When you are done, click the Load button.

10.Click the yellow Build Test button and click OK in the dialog box.

11.Set the status to Approved and click Yes in the dialog box.

12.Click OK to save the new version of the test.

13.When the test(s) are complete, drag and drop the new version(s) of the test onto the training unit.

Step 3: Republish the Course

1.On the training Unit’s Version Comments page, add a revision note, selecting Change Status and Edit as you do.

2.Click OK to close the training unit.

3.Right-click on the Course (the training unit's parent) and select Branch Approval Operations. Choose Reapprove branch.

4.Right-click on the training unit and select Publish to VISION LS. Click OK.

5.The next steps will take place in the VISION Learning Station.

Step 4: Expire the Course Event in the VISION Learning Station

1.Click on Administration on the Main Menu.

2.Click on the Courses tab. This is the default tab when entering the Administration area.

3.Navigate to the course and then click on the course’s name to open its properties.

4.Click on the Active Events tab.

5.Click on the course Event's title to open its properties.

6.On the Properties tab, click Edit.

7.Under, End Date enter yesterday's date (or any date before today). If the course event is currently open, you can enter the date using the DD/MM/YYYY format.

8.Click the Save button.

9.On the Learners tab, check the Select All checkbox and then click the Remove Selected Learners button.

10.Click the Back button to go back to the course's properties, and continue the procedure in Step 2, below.

Step 5: Create a new Version of the Course and Course Event

1.Click on Administration on the Main Menu.

2.Click on the Courses tab. This is the default tab when entering the Administration area.

3.Navigate to the course and then click on the course’s name to open its properties.

4.On the course's Properties tab, click Create Version. This will archive the current version of the course and create a new one.

5.You are now on the properties tab of the new version of the course.

6.If you are ready to create a new course event, click the Edit Properties button and change Course Approved to Yes. Click Save Changes.

Step 6: Re-enroll Learners to the New Course Event

You may need to re-enroll learners from the previous course event to the new one.

1.Click on the Learners tab and then the Assign Learners button.

2.Click on the Other Enrollment tab to find the learners who were enrolled in the previous version of the course event.

3.When you have located the learners, check the boxes next to their names and then click the Add Selected Students button.