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VISION User Guide

The Training tab contains information about training the Objective. Enter in this workscreen the Training Media, Training Setting and an estimate of the time (in minutes) that it takes to train the Objective. In addition, you can add comments about the Objective.

Training Media

Use this field to document the medium you have selected for the objective. The media options are listed in the pull-down menu. By selecting a medium for each objective, certain other reports and calculations can be produced later.

Training Setting

Use this field to document the training setting for every objective. A training setting may be ‘on-the-job training’ (OJT), a classroom, guided learning center and so on. Select the settings from the pull-down list. By selecting a setting for each objective, you will find it useful to know how many objectives apply to each possible setting.

Time to Train

Use this field to enter an estimate of the time it will take to present the training for the objective. Make sure that you include enough time in your estimate for the learner to practice the objective, if practice is relevant.

Note: Remember, practice is not the same as ‘testing.’ Practice is a vital part of the learning process. Testing comes later, after you have presented all of the instructional components (including practice) to the learner.


Let the field label tell you what kind of information goes in this field. "Comments" is the original label, but you may be seeing a different label, a label selected by your organization to better describe what it has chosen to use that field for.

To change the label, click on it. Changing the label changes it for all objectives in the project.

See Also

Tips for Developing Formal Objective Statements