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The Task Analysis Process in a Nutshell

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There are several approaches to task analysis.  In some cases, you can use procedures or technical references to derive the analysis data.  In others, direct observation is best.  Interviews with job experts at some point is very important.

Job experts utilized in the training design process are often called "subject matter experts," or SMEs.

Ideally, a combination of all three sources can be applied.  This maximizes the use of the SME's time, and samples a broad range of input before settling on specifics.  Below is a suggested task analysis process that combines all resources.

1.Assemble a rough draft of the analysis from reference materials.

2.Interview a qualified SME to refine the analysis results.

3.If possible, observe the tasks actually being carried out; make further refinements to the analysis.

4.Have several qualified SMEs verify the technical accuracy and completeness of the analysis.

5.Finalize the analysis.