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VISION User Guide

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Steps for linking cross reference items to hierarchy components

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To link cross reference items to hierarchy components:

1.Open the list of Cross Reference tables by selecting Open from the Cross Reference menu located on VISION's main menu bar.

2.Highlight the tables that you want to open (you don't have to highlight all of the tables). Then click the Open button.

3.VISION will open the selected tables and offer to neatly arrange them if a workbench is open.

4.Be sure the correct screen configuration for linking cross reference items is displayed. Specifically, if a workbench isn't open, now is a good time to open one.

a.To link cross reference items, you'll need to open the right Workbench screen (Analysis, Objective or Program) and the Cross Reference Table windows.

b.If the display you see is confusing and you don't know what to do from here, select 'Tips' from the options along the top of the Steps help window. Then choose a tip that matches what you want to do.

5.Expand the hierarchy to reach the hierarchy entries that you want to link to the table items. For example, if you want to link Tasks, then expand the Analysis Hierarchy to find those Tasks.

6.In the Cross Reference Table that you want to link, click on the specific items you want to link to a hierarchy component.

7.Now click and drag the hierarchy component to be linked from the hierarchy to anywhere in the area of the active Cross Reference Table.

8.A prompt will ask if you want to link the items to the selected nodes. Click OK. The link will be made according to which specific item you highlighted in Steps 4 and 5.

9.Repeat the process to link each hierarchy component to the items in the Cross Reference Tables until all of the components have been linked that you want to link.

10.Do the same with any other Cross Reference Tables until all hierarchy components are linked to all tables as needed.

What’s next?

If you have been working toward producing special documents, such as Job Qualification Cards, Task Performance Evaluations and Procedures, now is the time you can get them.

From Outcomes on the Main Menu, select VISION Documents. Click the button that describes the category you want (Qualification or Procedure are the most likely at this point). Then highlight the document and click the Generate Document button.

Tips for Linking Cross Reference Items

Plus1Use the Insert Key to Add Items

Plus1You can link multiple components all at once

Plus1View Linked Cross Reference Items

Plus1Unlink Cross Reference Items

Plus1How to Delete an Item

Plus1How to use Query

Related Topics

What are Cross Reference Tables?