For a matching question, you will enter two columns of words or phrases that the student will have to match together by whatever criteria you provide.
1.If you are not already in an Objectives Hierarchy, then from the Main Menu, select Workbench. Click Design Activities and select Create or Edit Objective Test Items from the Activities list.
2.If there are multiple objective work areas in the project, the Open Objective Work Area dialog box will appear. Select the Project Work Area that you want to open. Then click the OK button.
3.Double-click on an objective in the Objectives Hierarchy for which you want to write test question(s).
a.Alternately you can simply highlight the objective and then right-click in its Questions Linked menu to create a new question.
4.After double-clicking on the objective, select the Questions page of the Properties window. Click the New button and select the type of question you want to create from the pull-down menu.
5.Fill out any relevant information on the General page.
6.Proceed to the Question page.
1.First, enter instructions in the Instructions box at the bottom of the Question window.
2.Enter new items and new choices by clicking the New button in the "Items" or "Choices" boxes. Notes that only "Items" are graded.
3.Check the Point value for each item that you add (VISION enters 1 by default). The number can be a decimal value with two places (i.e., 2.55). To see the total point value for all of the items in a matching question, click on the Instructions.
4.When you have entered all of the items and choices, "match" them by selecting an item and then clicking on the box(es) for the correct choice(es). Each "Item" can be matched with up to three choices (If you are delivering this question through VISION Web, each item can only be matched up with one choice, additional choices will cause some "correct" choices to be marked as incorrect).
5.Click the up and down buttons for "Items" and "Choices" to rearrange their order. This is the order in which they will appear on a test.
6.Enter the Answer Explanation in its own box at the bottom of the screen, if you want one.
Click on the Z or “Zoom” button at the bottom right corner of any content window to edit the contents in a large window with more editing features.
For a Matching question, you will have to enter the Instructions and as many Items and Choices as are required. You will also have to match the items and choices by clicking on an item and checking the appropriate choice(s). As with other question types, you edit a matching question part by selecting the part in one of the upper panes and then editing that part in the lower pane.
Matching 'Items' are each assigned points and scored individually, so learners will earn credit for each Item they answer correctly. Consider how many points the question should be worth when entering point value for each Item. For example, if you have a matching question with four Items, you could assign 1 point to each item (for a total of 4 points), or you could assign .25 points to each item (for a total of 1 point). You can also weight different Items by assigning more points. For example, You could assign 1 point to one item and .33 to three less important items (for a total of 2 points).
In the Developer module, Matching questions give students credit for each correct match, even if some of the matches are not correct. You can override this when entering test data.
In the Learning Station module, the actual score of a matching question includes partial credit for the correct matches, but it will have a “Status”of either incorrect or correct. For example, if a matching question has 5 choices worth 1 point each, a student who answers 2 choices correctly and 3 incorrectly, they would get 2 points for the question, but the question would have a Status of “incorrect”.
Be sure to give instructions with matching questions