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VISION User Guide

For an Essay question, you will have to enter the question and one or more answers. Unlike some other question types, an essay question can require multiple answers. You may also want to enter a point value for each part of the answer, though 1 is automatically entered for you.

Steps to create a New Question

1.If you are not already in an Objectives Hierarchy, then from the Main Menu, select Workbench. Click Design Activities and select Create or Edit Objective Test Items from the Activities list.

2.If there are multiple objective work areas in the project, the Open Objective Work Area dialog box will appear. Select the Project Work Area that you want to open. Then click the OK button.

3.Double-click on an objective in the Objectives Hierarchy for which you want to write test question(s).

a.Alternately you can simply highlight the objective and then right-click in its Questions Linked menu to create a new question.

4.After double-clicking on the objective, select the Questions page of the Properties window. Click the New button and select the type of question you want to create from the pull-down menu.

5.Fill out any relevant information on the General page.

6.Proceed to the Question page.

Essay Questions

1.Enter the question into the Question field at the bottom of the screen. As you enter it, it will appear in the Question line at the top of the screen.

2.Click the New button in the Answers area. The Question box will turn into an Answer box, and you can enter the first answer for the question.

3.Enter the number of points that the answer is worth. The number can be a decimal value with up to two places (i.e., 2.55).

4.When you are ready, click New again to enter another answer and add a point value for it.

5.You can move each answer up or down to reposition it in the list of answers by clicking the up and down buttons.

6.Check the Point value for the question (VISION enters 1 by default).

7.When you have finished creating answers, enter the amount of vertical space (in inches) that you want to leave for the student to write the answers on the answer sheet.

8.Enter the Answer Explanation in its own box at the bottom of the screen, if you want one.

Tips for Creating Essay Answers

Plus1        Don't forget to indicate answer space

Plus1        Break essay answers into parts

Plus1        Characteristics of good Essay Answers

Plus1        Example