One of the core design components of VISION is the establishment of a data foundation that reflects the relationships, or links, between job/tasks, objectives/content, test questions, and the lessons. In this segment, you’ll see in more detail exactly what elements make up a data foundation in VISION, and how they are linked together.
Essentially, VISION is a curriculum design and development tool. As a curriculum developer, you will complete a logical set of instructional design activities in VISION. As you do this, the system is building a data foundation. Once the foundation is established, VISION can help you use your data to generate reports, documents, and a wide variety of other useful outcomes.
To create analysis items in VISION, you will find out what tasks, skills, and knowledges the in-job subject matter experts need to have.
Tasks, elements and skill/knowledges become objectives either directly (by drag-and-drop) or indirectly (through consolidation). You can also create objectives without analysis items. Objectives also house instructional components (content) and are linked to questions. Wherever an objectives goes, its content and questions go with it.
Objectives, together with their content and linked test questions are linked to lessons in the program hierarchy. Because the objective content and questions move with each objective, you know that the appropriate information will be reflected in lessons and tests.
Cross reference table items can be connected to any of the fundamental VISION entities: analysis items, objectives, test items, and lessons. The cross references thereby extends the attributes of those entities. They also can serve to index data, so that related components can be found from the perspective of a cross reference table item that the related items are linked to.