As discussed in The VISION System, VISION's web modules works with the Developer module to deliver the information stored in VISION to learners, instructors, and administrators. The content delivered through the VISION Learning Station module and VISION Connect is created and stored in the Developer module. Likewise, the information used in the Survey, Action Tracking, and Certification modules is all stored in the Developer module. When using certain features of VISION's web modules, you will find yourself directly interacting with the VISION Developer module, so it is important to know how the VISION Developer is configured.
A VISION Developer module project represents all of the training information for a department, type of job position, a system, or some other logical division within a database. It is like a drawer in a filing cabinet or a folder on your computer. It can be locked to keep restricted information safe, and it can be linked to organizations and job positions within the VISION Administration module. This is where all of your lessons and tests will be generated.
Work areas are what make up a project, without them a project would simply be a title. Though each work area is separate, they are connected with and build upon each other. Tasks from the Analysis work area become objectives in the Objective area, and those in turn are grouped together to become lessons in the Program area.
In this work area jobs are analyzed for the tasks that learners must master to accomplish their job duties. Here, every step that makes up a job and every element and skill that supports each step is listed. These are the fundamental skills and knowledge items that will be used in the Objective hierarchy.
Tasks and other elements from the Analysis hierarchy are arranged into "objectives". They can be taken from all over the Analysis hierarchy or formed from just one task. In this work area, all of the pieces of a job are grouped into teachable nuggets that can be used in the Program hierarchy for training.
This work area contains lessons that serve as packages for different combinations of objectives. Objectives are linked to, or "sequenced" into Program hierarchy lessons which can then be delivered to learners through the VISION Learning Station module. Tests and qualifications can also be sequenced in the Program work area.
As you have read, projects can be a subdivision of your company's training, and work areas are a further subdivision of your material, depending on how you want to use them. For example, a junior and senior position might be built from the same Analysis and Objective work areas (they share the same tasks and need to learn the same information), but might have different Program work areas (with different lessons because their responsibilities and technical knowledge are different). One way to organize these would be to include both jobs in a single Program hierarchy and simply share objectives between lessons. Another way to organize them would be to create two different work areas in the same project.
Separating elements of your organization into different projects can provide security in VISION's web modules, as projects are linked to specific organizations (which can reflect different parts of your company) and cannot be viewed or used by organizations to which they have not been linked.