A holding bin, which you can open by right-clicking in the appropriate links window, is most useful when you have to unlink an item (such as unsequencing an objective from a lesson), but you are not sure where the item will be placed.
A list of unlinked items that have been placed into the holding bin is displayed in the holding bin window. These items can be re-linked as necessary. Keep the items in this list for as long as you need to keep track of them. VISION will never remove an item from this list until you remove it by using the Remove or Clear All buttons. If you exit VISION, the items will remain in this list for your next session. The holding bin contents are personal (stored in the Windows Registry). So what’s in your holding bin is not what’s in another user’s holding bin.
You may click and drag one or more items from the list to link them to another item or to share them in another location in the hierarchy. Questions can only be shared in an Objectives Hierarchy.
•The Remove button is used to remove selected items from the holding bin list. When an item is removed from the list, VISION does NOT delete the item from the database. It only removes the item from the holding bin list.
•The Clear All button is used to remove all items from the holding bin list. When you clear all items from the list, VISION does NOT delete the items from the database. It only removes the items from the holding bin list.
For example, let’s say you are about to generate a lesson plan and you discover an objective that does not belong in the lesson. You don’t have time to figure out where the objective belongs because you have to generate the lesson plan for an instructor.
One way to handle this is to unlink the objective from the lesson and move it to the Sequencing holding Bin. Doing this makes it easy to find the misplaced objective later when you have had time to deal with it.
Without the holding bin, you would have had to know exactly where the objective was in the Objective Hierarchy in order to place it into the appropriate lesson.
Do not confuse the Holding Bin with the Recycle Bin. These features are similar, but are accessible through different parts of the VISION Developer Module.