The Holding Bin list contains items (Analysis components, Objectives, or Questions) that have been unlinked in a Workbench links window and moved to the holding bin. These items can be dragged from the list as needed in order to relink them.
Keep the items in this list for as long as you need to keep track of them. VISION will never remove an item from this list; it remains in the list until you remove it using the Remove or Clear All buttons. Exiting VISION will not clear the list. So the list is preserved for the next session.
You can sort the list by any column, by clicking on the column header. To relink any item in the list, simply drag it to an appropriate hierarchy node.
Click this button to remove the highlighted list item(s). Removing an item from the list does not delete it from the database. It simply removes it from the list.
Click this button to remove all the list items. Removing items does not delete them from the database. It simply removes them from the list.