The scenario "question" is not truly a question itself; rather, it is a container used to group other questions together around a common situation.
•The scenario describes an event, situation, process, object, etc.
•The scenario may be supplemented with drawings, photographs, manuals, or other materials.
•Include instructions to the learner to answer a series of questions about the scenario.
•Include individual questions pertaining to the scenario that the learner must answer. These are the subquestions.
•Include questions that make sense for the scenario presented.
•Subquestions consist of the same types of questions that exist in VISION: Multiple choice, true/false, essay, short answer, matching and fill-in-the-blank.
•Each subquestion needs to be a fully flushed-out question in its own right, following the question guidelines for its question type.
•Each subquestion should support the scenario of which it is a part.