VISION offers a number of methods for getting help. The first, and the most general method, is the one you have already discovered, which brought you to this Help screen. We realize, however, that wading through a rather large Help file can be somewhat cumbersome. Because of this, we have made every attempt to construct Help to make apply to what you are doing in VISION (context sensitive). To get help when using VISION Developer, look for the following:
What's This? |
This button is located on VISION's Main Toolbar, which is located under the Main Menu at the top of the VISION Developer application window. If you click this button, then click on any menu command or window, VISION Developer will display a help topic for that menu command or window. For example, if you have a Workbench open and you click this button then click any hierarchy window, VISION will display a help topic for that window. You can also "drop" this on the controls (buttons, checkboxes, etc.) of a VISION window. Many of the VISION windows have their own question mark button in the top right corner (for example, the Jump window). but others do not (for example, the Jump Results window). For windows lacking their own question mark help button, this button is a useful substitute. |
Context Help |
This button, like the previous button, is located on VISION's Main Toolbar. If you click this button when a Workbench, Cross Reference Table, or Document window is open, VISION will display a help topic for the window that is active. if no windows are open, VISION will display the help topic you are reading now. |
Show Steps |
This button can be found in the Workbench toolbar. When you click this button, VISION will display the Cue Cards (or steps) on the activity for which the Workbench was designed. This is useful unless you open a custom or Change Management Workbench. Presently there is not assistance for Custom or Change Management Workbenches. |
Show Instructional Advisor |
Like the previous button, this button is located in the Workbench toolbar. If you click this button within a Workbench, VISION will display the Advisor that will provide you with instructional assistance for the activity you are performing. Please note that presently there is not assistance for Custom or Change Management Workbenches. |
Help |
This button is not in any toolbar. It will appear in the top right corner of certain workscreens, such as the Task Properties workscreen or the Objective Properties workscreen. To use this button, click it with your left mouse button and then click on any field in the workscreen. |
Right Mouse button |
Clicking your right mouse button over any window, button, listbox, etc. will display one of the following: •A menu with additional commands that can be performed in the window or... •The help topic for that window, button, listbox, etc. It's a good rule, when in doubt, to click your right mouse button over any window, button, listbox, etc. If you get a menu, click one of the buttons shown above. |
Cue Card |
This Help menu option is always available from VISION's Main Help Menu. This help topic displays a list of Cue Card categories in this help file. |