While questions are used on VISION Learning Station exams, they are created and maintained in the VISION Developer module, and can only be accessed through the VISION Developer module. This procedure will tell you how to access a question in order to edit it.
Edit or Disqualify
If you need to edit an active question, you may wish to disqualify it instead. If the question should not be used on exams in its current state then you can disqualify it and it will not be included in any dynamic tests. This will also disqualify any static tests that the question is included in, so you should be cautious. If you choose to edit the question, you will need to update its objective, training unit, and course before learners will have access to the new question.
Edit a Question
Follow these instructions to edit a question in the VISION Developer module:
1.In VISION Developer, open the Objective hierarchy and navigate to the objective node that has the question you want to edit.
2.Double click it to open the objective's properties.
3.Open the Questions page and double-click on the question you wish to edit.
4.Click on the Question page. If the question is active, you will have to click the "Change Status & Edit" button when you edit the question.
5.The question's stem, answer, distractors, and point value are all located on this page. Edit the question as needed.
6.When you are done editing, return to the General page and change the Status to "Active".
7.Click the OK button to close the question.
8.On the objective's General page, change the Status to "Approved" and click OK to save.
Disqualify a Question
Follow these instructions to disable a question in the VISION Developer module:
1.In VISION Developer, open the Objective hierarchy and navigate to the objective node that has the question you want to Disqualify.
2.Double click it to open the objective's properties.
3.Open the Questions page and click on the question you wish to Disqualify. Scroll to the "Disqualified" column and check the box for the question.
4.On the objective's General page, change the Status to "Approved" and click OK to save.
Publishing Checklist
Check to ensure that you have completed all the steps to publish a course from the Developer to the Learning Station:
For each Objective in the training unit:
•Save Word or PowerPoint content as HTML or MP4 on the Content page. You can publish a course without saving your Word or PPT content as HTML or MP4, but only HTML or MP4 content will appear in the VISION Learning Station. •Click the Deliverable checkbox on the Content page for all content you want to publish to the Learning Station. Anything left unchecked will not be delivered in the VLS. •Click the Deliver checkbox on the Content page for all content you want to publish for question remediation or qualification (this is separate from delivering content for a lesson, which is done in the Training Unit). •Set the objective's Status to Approved on the General page. You cannot approve the training unit if any of its objectives are not approved. For each Training Unit in the course:
•On the training unit's Design page, click the Content button and check the Deliver checkbox for all the content you will use in the VLS. Anything left unchecked will not be delivered in the VLS. •Optionally, you can enter an introduction on the TU's Introduction page. If you do so, be sure to Convert it to HTML on the Introduction page as well, or your introduction will not be delivered. •Optionally, you can enter a summary of the lesson on the TU's Summary page. If you do so, be sure to Convert it to HTML on the Summary page as well, or your summary will not be delivered. •Depending on the type of Training Unit you are using, you may need to assign an Assessment Profile on the Tests page. If the training unit requires an Assessment Profile, you will not be able to deliver the course in the VLS without one. •Set the program's Status to Completed-Active on the General page. The training unit must be approved to be delivered to the VLS. •On all pages of the training unit's properties, there is an LS Options button. Click this and select Publish to VISION LS to deliver this training unit to the VISION Learning Station. For the Course Program node:
•Set the program's Status to Completed-Active on the General page. The course must be approved to deliver its training units to the VLS. |