Projects are often created at or near the time of installation, though new projects can be created additionally at any time after that. These are the steps to create a new Project for the VISION Developer module.
Follow these steps to create a project in VISION security:
1.Run the SECURITY.EXE program located in the VISION root folder or by clicking on Other Features in VISION Developer's Main Menu and selecting Security.
2.In the security program select the Projects tab.
3.Click the New Project button.
4.Enter the Name and description of the project (optional) and then click the Save button.
a. A list of Project Options appears when you create a new project. In most cases, you can simply ignore them and leave them unchecked. We do not recommend using them unless you have a specific reason to do so. See VISION Developer information for an explanation of these options.
5.A small window saying, “Remember to assign users access to new project” will pop up, click OK.
6.Once the project has been created, assign users to the project using the Users list on the Access tab contained in the Projects tab.
7.Be sure to assign users a security profile in the smaller drop down menu next to the users list.
Keep in mind that to access a new project in the Learning Station, you will first have to assign it to an organization. See Assigning VDM Projects to an Organization.