A performance based training program generally includes certain core components, or materials.
Training material, in either a self-study or classroom setting provides the content necessary for trainees to understand the principles, concepts, facts and skills needed to perform the job tasks proficiently, and with the appropriate depth of understanding. Training material is always organized to support specific instructional objectives. Every objective has been derived to support a performance outcome or standard.
Instructor lesson plans (for classroom instruction), self-study workbooks, computer based training, web based training, video tapes, simulator activities and other media are all used to deliver the course material.
Attainment of course objectives is measured by the administration of tests. Every test question is directly related to an instructional objective.
OJT instructor training is an ongoing activity to teach qualified field personnel how to conduct on-the-job-training effectively.
A qualified instructor provides information, demonstrations, coaching and feedback to help trainees understand and perform the job tasks in a real world setting. An OJT instructor guide is part of the OJT program. It provides specific information to be sure every OJT instructor imparts the same information in a consistent manner.
Task oriented performance guidelines (sometimes called an "OJT" guide) that lists the procedure steps and additional information necessary for a trainee to learn and perform the tasks. In some cases, such as where the task is relatively straightforward, operating procedures or department work instructions are adequate as a substitute for the OJT guidelines.
Reference guides, technical manuals, job aids, procedures and other forms of information support proper and consistent job performance.
A list of performance outcomes (usually expressed as job tasks) that an individual must be able to properly carry out in order to qualify in a job position, or to qualify for a particular function within a job position.
An evaluation checklist used by an evaluator in the field (in actual job conditions) to determine whether or not an individual is qualified to perform a particular task listed in the job qualification standard. Sometimes called a Job Performance Measure (JPM), the checklist includes a clear set of standards, evaluation points and criteria to ensure consistency in measuring skill level.
Training programs are evaluated to (a) consider student opinions and suggestions for improvement, (b) determine whether or not students could achieve the course objectives, (c) determine if they enabled the trainees to perform the job tasks and (d) evaluate the overall impact of training on organization goals.