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VISION User Guide

To decide if an objective should be classified as a principle, it is important that you consider several key factors.  Does the objective meet the definition of a principle?  How does it compare with examples of other principle objectives?  What instructional strategy would be used to teach the objective, and does that strategy make sense?  The answers to these questions, and more are provided by the topics below.  

Definition of a Principle Objective

A principle is:

Plus1        A statement that describes a cause and effect relationship

Plus1        Which controls events and outcomes

Plus1        And can be generalized to solve difficult problems for which specific procedures do not exist

Classify your objective as a use/principle if it requires the learner to solve a problem or perform a task using the principle.

Examples of a Principle Objective

Here is an example of an objective classified as use/principles:

"Given a scenario, infer the cause of an employee's behavior based on the principle of positive reinforcement."

Typical Action Verbs of Principle Objectives

This is a list of action verbs commonly used with use/principle objectives:
















Instructional Strategy for Principle Objectives


Introduction to an objective: A brief statement that orients the student to what is coming It also servers as the "glue" that helps the lesson to flow from objective to objective.

Objective: A precise definition of what the student will be capable of doing after the instruction has been completed. For use/principle objectives, the student will develop a plan, make an inference, solve a problem, reach a conclusion, etc.

Main idea for a principle objective: Gives the name of the principle, and identifies the cause and effect relationship that the principle represents. It also identifies the results of the cause and effect relationship.

Explanation of a principle: Clarifies the causal elements of the principle and the result that the causal agent has. Sometimes explains why the principle works the way it does.

Examples that support a use/principle objective: Show how the principle applies in a variety of instances within the domain of the conditions that are covered by the objective. Each example is highlighted to point out the cause and effect relationship.

Practice of principle objectives: Provides learners with problems to solve or projects to complete that depend on correct application of the principles.

See Also:

Developing Instruction for Principle Objectives