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VISION Learner Guide

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There are two tabs available for User Properties:


Exam History

VLS Training Event Records

All Training Completion Records (VLS, External, Alternates)

Training Requirements


Certification Records

Login History

Learner Documents


Status Tab

Progress on Active Events


View the user's "percent complete" for course events and qualification cards that he or she has been assigned to.

Open (Blue): The percent of events assigned to the learner that they have not completed.

Incomplete (Yellow): The percent of events that the learner has started, but not yet completed.

Pass (Green): The percent of events that the learner has completed and passed.

Not Pass (Red): The percent of events that the learner has completed but not passed.

Plus1Exam History

Plus1VLS Training Event Records (VLS, External, Alternates)

Plus1All Training Completion Records

Plus1Training Requirements


Plus1Certification Records

Plus1Login History

Plus1Learner Documents


Edit Edit Button

Click this button to make changes to the user's information or reset their password. Note that some options are only available if the Edit button has been clicked.

Change Password

Click this button to reset your password. You will be redirected to a page requesting you confirm your new password.


Name and Username

Username/Employee Id: The system's identification code for the employee. VISION will create a unique ID with a combination of the user's first initial and last name.

First Name: The full first name of the user as it has been entered in VISION Learning Station.

Last Name: The full last name of the user as it has been entered in the VISION Learning Station.


You will see several dots in this field. Even administrators can't view a user's password, they can only reset it. To do so, click the Change Password  button and confirm your new password.


Contact and Organization Data

Telephone Number: A valid work contact number for the employee. This number may be added to reports or notification emails. Anyone with Administrator or Site Administrator security access will be able to see this information.

Date Entered: The date that the user account was created. This date cannot be edited.

Expiration Date: If the account is temporary, list the date that the account will expire.

Organization(s): The organizations that this user belongs to. Click the Modify button to link additional organizations to the user.

Email: Enter a valid work email address for the employee. This email address may be added to reports or notification emails. Anyone with Administrator or Site Administrator security access will be able to see this information. This field is required.

Security Access: Select the user's security Access from the drop-down menu.

Security Role Definitions

Learner: This security role is for students who will be assigned to courses and exams. A learner will only be able to access lessons and exams to which they has been assigned.

Instructor: This role is for someone who will create and/or manage courses and course events. They will be able to interact with courses, course events, learners, assessment profiles and learner feedback as well as everything within the "Learner" role.

Site Administrator: The site administrator will have complete access to his or her own organization, but not other reports or courses that belong to other organizations; as well as everything within the "Learner" and "Instructor" roles.

Administrator: This role has complete access to every feature in VISION Learning Station and can view and interact with all of the data in the system.

Course and Qualification Options

Must be Proctored: If you check "Yes" this person will be proctored even if the exam settings do not require it.

Can Proctor Exams: Decide whether or not this person will be able to oversee others while they're taking exams. “Yes” will add this person to a list of proctors for the appropriate exams.

Can Be a Qual Evaluator: Decide if this person will be able to evaluate others while they're doing qualifications. “Yes” will add this person to a list of evaluators for the appropriate qualifications.

Can Be a Training Evaluator: Decide if this person will be able to train others on their job positions. “Yes” will add this person to a list of trainers for the appropriate job positions.

Is an Active Trainer/Evaluator: This option displays whether the user is specifically assigned as an evaluator or trainer on a qualification card. If you click the user record's edit button and the Modify button next to this option you can see a list of the qual cards that the user is training or evaluating. This option does not display whether the user is training or evaluating under any other circumstances. See these instructions to Remove a Qual Trainer or Evaluator.

Other Options

VISION Developer Name: If this user is also a VISION Developer user, select their VDM user name from the list. If not, select "Not a VISION Developer".

Active: "Yes" indicates that the user is currently active within the company and using the VISION Learning Station. If the user will no longer be using the VISION Learning Station, click "No" to archive this user record and store it.

Job Position(s): The organization job position(s) that this user belongs to.

Supervisor: The user's supervisor. Click the Modify button to change or add a supervisor for the user.

User Defined 1, 2, & 3: Use these spaces to enter any relevant coding.

Disqualify Trainee: Clicking "Yes" will bring up a Revoke Qualification screen on which you can choose to disqualify the user from qualification cards and associated tests as well as disqualify the user on their training. Make your selections and click the Continue button.