In the example below, we are in the Question tab of a Multiple Choice question window. For basic edit operations, right click in the text window. To utilize the full editor, click the Zoom button.
Use the following tools and shortcuts to move through text quickly.
To see a description of each control, see The Main Menu
You can click your mouse on the vertical and horizontal scroll bars to use the scroll functions described below.
Vertical Scroll Bar: Click the mouse on the arrows at either end to scroll up or down by one line. Click the mouse above the elevator (or "thumb") to scroll up by one page. Similarly, click the mouse below the elevator to scroll down by one page. You may also drag the elevator to any position in the bar. As the elevator is dragged, the editor will scroll up or down accordingly to maintain the correct cursor position.
Horizontal Scroll Bar: This is present only in the full editor. Click the mouse on the arrows at either end to scroll left or right by one line. Click the mouse on either side of the elevator (or "thumb") to scroll left or right by 1/2 page. You may also drag the elevator to any position in the bar. As the elevator is dragged, the editor will scroll left or right accordingly to maintain the correct cursor position.
You can use the following keyboard actions to conveniently maneuver through text:
•Use Up, Down, Left, and Right arrow keys to scroll up or down, or to the left or right.
•Hit the Home key to move to the beginning of the current line.
•Hit the End key to move to the end of the current line.
•Hit the Ctrl and PgUp OR Ctrl and Home keys to move to the beginning of a file.
•Hit the Ctrl and PgDn OR Ctrl and End keys to move to the end of a file.
•Hit the PgUp key to move to the previous page.
•Hit the PgDn key to move to the next page.
•Hit the Ctrl and Left arrow keys to move to the previous word.
•Hit the Ctrl and Right arrow keys to move to the next word.
•Hit the Ctrl and Up arrow keys to move to the start of the paragraph.
•Hit the Ctrl and Delete keys to delete text up to the start of the next word.
•Hit the Ctrl and Backspace keys to delete the word behind the cursor.
•Hit the Ctrl and Down arrow keys to move to the start of the next paragraph.
•Hit the F10 key and type in the line number to jump to.