Write the question and answers on this tab. The answers to a fill-in question are typically single words or short phrases that fill in the blanks in the statement.
Please type the blanks literally in the statement, to indicate where the answers fit in the sentence. You can use the underscore key for this, for example: "Water is composed of the atomic elements _____ and _____ ."
Note the identifying labels in the leftmost column of each row in the list: "Statement", "Answer 1", etc. Each row represents a part of the question. When you select a row, the full contents of that question part appear in the bottom panel, where you can edit the part.
The statement is what the learner completes by filling in the blanks. Please type the blanks literally in the statement, to indicate where the answers fit in the sentence. You can use the underscore key for this, for example: "Water is composed of the atomic elements _____ and _____ ."
The answers to a fill-in question are typically single words or short phrases. These fill in the blanks in the statement.
When first created, a fill-in question doesn't have any answers; answers are created by clicking the New button, just below the list. A fill-in question might have just one blank to fill in—hence, just one answer.
The answer rows in the list are colored green. This color is not an attribute of the actual item text, but merely the color of the list row.
Tip: Double-clicking on a row conveniently moves the cursor into the bottom editing panel, for editing the part.
•New Answer: Click here to create a new answer, corresponding to a blank in the question statement. Type the answer text in the panel below.
•Delete Answer: Click here to delete the answer selected above. The button is disabled if no answer is selected.
If you delete an answer, remember to delete the corresponding blank in the question statement.
•Move Answer: Move the selected answer up or down in the list above. The up/down buttons are disabled if no answer is selected.
If you reposition an answer, you may need to reposition the blanks in the question statement, or reword the statement.
Enter the point value for the answer selected in the list above. The point value can have up to two decimal places, such as 2.25. If the question (or statement) is selected above, rather than an answer, then the Points box shows the question's total point value.
When a question is first created, initially there aren't any answers in the list above. To add answers to the question, click the New button, just below the list.
You need to enter a point value for each answer in the list. VISION will take the sum of these values for the overall point value of the question.
This panel shows the contents of the question part selected in the list above. Here is where you write or rewrite the question stem and choices.
Note that the label for this panel (just above the panel's top-left corner) indicates which part currently appears here.
When you have finished editing a question part in this panel, there is no button to click to save your changes to that part. Eventually, of course, you will need to click the OK button to save all the changes you made to this question while its workscreen was open. But while you are still editing the question, you can safely select a different row in the parts list without losing edits you made to the previously selected part.
Optionally explain, justify, or clarify why the answer is what it is. VISION does not require an entry in this field. The answer explanation can be presented to instructors or learners through reports or through the VISION Learning Station.
See also the following Advisor topic: Guidelines for writing Fill-In questions