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VISION User Guide

Follow these steps to create a qual card in the Program hierarchy:

1.In the Program hierarchy, create a new node.

2.Enter a Title, and under Program Type on the General page, check the Organizer radio button. Select Qualification Card from the Type drop-down menu.

3.On the Main Menu, click Project and select Qualification Card. Click OK to close and save it.

4.Right-click in the list of qualifications and select New > From Program Organizer.

5.Enter a Title for the qualification card and then, in the Program hierarchy, drag the qualification card program organizer onto it. Click OK to close and save it.

6.Create a "Course" type organizer as a subordinate to the Qualification Card organizer.

7.Place the appropriate PA-T and PA-OT  training units (along with any other training units) under the Course organizer. Note that only the tasks associated with the PA-T and/or PA-OT training units are collected for qualification.

a.If you have not already, populate the training units with the performance objective nodes that are linked to the appropriate tasks.

8.Check that you have all the appropriate tasks by clicking on each PA-T or PA-TO and viewing all of the linked tasks in the "Analysis Linked to Program" links window.

9.Approve the Tasks, Objectives, and Program nodes.

a.Mark the linked task's Statuses as Completed-Active on their Analysis pages.

b.Mark the linked question's Statuses as Active on their General pages.

c.Right-click on the curriculum's top organizer, select Special Branch Operations, and click, "Approve Branch". This will approve all of the objectives and programs underneath this organizer. Alternately, you can approve these items manually:

i.Mark the linked Objectives' Statuses as Approved on their General pages.

ii.Mark the linked Programs' Statuses as Approved on their General pages.

d.Review the tasks listed on the Tasks page of the Qual Card organizer.

e.Open the Qualification Card organizer, and mark its Status as Approved on its General page. This is the only way to mark the linked Qualification Card as Approved.

10.Use the VISION Learning Station and Qualification web modules to assign the qual card and course to learners.